Saturday, 6 December 2014

Day 73!

It's actually not Day 73, it's Day 75 (10.5 weeks) but the image below was taken on Day 73. I've photo collaged it so it's super easy to see the changes that have occurred (and there are a lot of them)! I guess there was such a big gap between blog posts (sorry!) because I am getting so used to my braces and the days are really flying.

Day 73: Before and Now

So the first most obvious change to me is the shift of my lateral incisors (the teeth to either side of my top front teeth). They were very far behind my top front teeth and now they're really moving out, especially the left one (the right in this photo), even though it feels like my right one is moving more. My top front teeth are also considerably straighter, and my canine teeth have really dropped. Although my left lateral incisor, the one that has moved a lot, doesn't appear to be rotated in this photo, it really is and now that it's moving I can really feel the difference in my mouth and my tongue always goes to it because it's different. I also always bite my tongue and my lip on my left canine tooth that has lowered so much (the right in this photo)! My bottom teeth weren't very crooked to begin with but they've still shifted a fair bit and are a little crowded. 

Oh, jaw surgery update: My orthodontist thinks that my teeth will be aligned properly for the surgery in seven or eight months time, so I'm looking at surgery in either July or August 2015 (it's December 2014 at the moment)!
And no, I still can't chew very well but I'm so used to it now that I barely notice that my teeth aren't touching. I kind of just gnaw my food and move it around my mouth a lot.
Here's a pointer as well if you have braces and have trouble remembering your toothbrush/paste/mouthwash etc. In addition to keeping a toothbrush etc. in your handbag (which is difficult for guys obviously), keep one somewhere at your workplace. I work in retail so nobody minds that I brush my teeth at work because it's better than facing customers with a load of lettuce stuck in my brackets!

Next Monday (the 15th) it will be my 12th week and I get them tightened for the second time! Hopefully I find out when I'm getting the teeth I need out removed and which ones they are, because the crowding along the bottom is starting to become uncomfortable. 


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