Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Post-operation - I got lucky with the swelling!

So my jaw operation was in mid-August, and these following shots were taken in late August. The first two weeks were the hardest, not being able to eat, talk, really move around much without getting a nosebleed or lightheaded, I couldn't even put a jumper on without help... and I would have multiple bouts of depression, self-hate, I'd feel ugly... no, hideous... but that's all part of it and I expected to feel that way. At no point in time did I regret the operation. 

Okay, so my face didn't change too much. My cheekbones, which were already high, got higher and my top lip is now more pronounced. 

Now that the swelling has gone down completely, I am able to feel some of the titanium in my face when I touch it. Mainly on each side of nose underneath my eyes, and sometimes when I lie on my boyfriend's chest or rest my head against his arm he complains that my earring is sticking into him - I don't wear earrings, so it must be some of the metal in my face. 
It will stay in there forever, the titanium. Unless I start to feel lots of sensitivity, then they can do something about it, but so far it hasn't bothered me whatsoever.


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