Sunday, 28 September 2014

Day 7: One Week Down! Progress Shot.

One week down, an infinite, indefinite number to go! I am still yet to ask my orthodontist how long my treatment will last for. I'm afraid of the answer! I also don't think he actually knows, since my jaw needs to be redone during the treatment and right now we are just waiting for my teeth to be in the right position for surgery.

Progress shot, 1 Week

And I won't deny you a progress shot. My canines are still quite high, of course, but I think they're slowly moving down. You can see the bracket on my left canine (the right in this photo) is snagging on my top lip. One thing that has really surprised me is the smooth edges of my two top front teeth! In my 'before' shots a bit further down you can see that before my braces were put on, my top front teeth still had those little bumps along them, like adult teeth do when they first grow through.

Let's see, what else... I should tell you what I've been eating, I guess.
  • Lots of soup. It has been my main staple. And there are so many different kinds! I have been needing to blend it further but yesterday I managed to eat minestrone without blending it by jutting out my lower jaw so my back molars can touch and chewing (werewolf-like) on my left side. It was a bit gross but it worked.
  • Icy poles. Sugar-free. Just something to make me feel like I'm eating, really.
  • The middle of a garlic bread stick. No crust. Just pulling the soft, buttery pieces of bread away from the crust, sucking it a bit, gnawing on it as best I can and swallowing it. I felt like I was wasting so much bread so I've only done this once.
  • Chocolate mousse. Sugar-free. Just a little treat to make me feel okay.
And really, that's all. The bigger and softer things are, the easier they are to chew. The smaller things sit in the gap (like macaroni cheese) and make it impossible to bite down on them, especially when there are lots of them, like rice. No matter how soft it is, it's the size that is really the important thing.

I've also lost a lot of weight, around 4kg. 

That's really all I can say about my first week! Doesn't hurt whatsoever, pressure has almost completely abided (only a touch of pressure on my bottom front teeth), and the inside of my mouth is fairing pretty well.

More updates soon!


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