Friday, 3 October 2014

Day 11: Smiling Progress Shot

I know that I haven't properly smiled in any of my 'before' or 'progress' shots up until now, and it's for a couple of reasons. The first is that I wanted to show all of my teeth so a better picture is painted for everyone following my journey, the second is that my lips are cracked and chapped more often since having braces (I think it's worse the more that I talk, and it kind of just feels like sunburn)... so smiling hurts, and the third is that I actually do not know how to smile naturally with my teeth because I've always been so self-conscious of them and have always smiled with my lips together. Seriously, I actually had to practice in the mirror to take this shot!

Day 11

Obviously there are a number of issues with my teeth (and bite!) in this photo. As I can't bite down at all anymore, that gap between my top and bottom rows of teeth (as can be clearly seen between my top and bottom front teeth in this photo) is consistent throughout my mouth. The second issue(s) (that I cannot wait to be rectified) are the teeth on either side of my top teeth. They are considerably far back, even partly (well, mostly) behind my top front teeth) and brushing them with braces on is more difficult than ever. I really can't wait for them to come out from behind my top front teeth! Also, my canine teeth are substantially high as well. I can't even imagine them moving down to align with my other teeth! It really would be a dream come true.

Still no pain, barely any pressure. I worked today for the first time since having my braces on (I work like 5-10 hours a week in a shoe store while I'm at uni) and I think that's why my lips are extra raw today.


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